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SSL Scenario's

The Full Story


In the 21st century, we are surrounded by complex and ill-structured issues such as combating global climate change, preventing the spread of coronavirus, animal testing for medical purposes, consumption of GMO foods, establishment of nuclear power plants and cloning. Such ambivalent issues are called socio-scientific issues.


Due to its controversial nature, individuals entering the decision-making process on these issues make decisions by thinking through many sources of evidence such as the media, family, other people, the discourses of scientific authorities and personal justifications. Risk perceptions, misunderstandings and short-cut bias used in this process inhibit effective decision-making. For example, today many people are hanging back from the Covid-19 vaccination process due to disruptive factors such as misunderstanding, media manipulation and risk perceptions. 


SSL4Adults is an Erasmus Plus project, that is trying to tackle this problem. It’s a project that aims to improve the socio scientific literacy of adults on issues for which there is, in general, no definitive answer. So uncertainty can arise from these concepts affecting the decision making process, and that is what SSL4Adults will try to prevent, by teaching adults about argumentation, epistemology, and moral value reasoning

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